Solar Production Calculator by City

I finally got around to upgrading this system with more current hardware (solar PV module), I hope you make good use of it.

We do quite a bit of sizing and modelling for commercial or large domestic class installations, and fortuanately we are able to use specialised software for this purpose. The licensing for the software is quite a chunk on a monthly basis and needs some skill to yield the information that you are looking for. In order to save you the difficulty, time, sweat and tears I have created this calculator for you.

The accuracy of this system is within 5% of actual on both sides (more or less) and is based on a system that is facing true North and without obstructions (shading). The system works by drawing known data collected from multiple meteostat sites all over the country. It records everything that is happening atmospherically from temperature to solar radiance and then says, okay, if I were to take a solar panel (in this case JA Solar 550wp) and put it at this exact location how much power would it have generated based on historical and projected data.

Now obviously your location is not exactly at this location but it will in the very least provide you with a reasonable expectation of what you can expect to generate of per 1kW of installed solar power.

Important Notes:

  1. If you want me to add your town or city to the calculator please just drop me mail.
  2. This results below assume a 100% utilisation of output either to yourself (self consumed) or exported back to grid (sad rate), but fully utilised.