Cutting down in your electricity usage is a surefire way to cut costs and reduce carbon emissions. The less energy we use, the less carbon is pumped into the atmosphere from fossil fuel based power plants, and the less we contribute to global warming.

Geysers use roughly half of the average household’s electricity bill ever month, and so making this appliance more efficient can alleviate quite a chunk of your usage.


Get a Geyser Blanket

Electrical geysers heat water by means of a large electrical element similar to that found in your kettle. Every geyser has a thermostat which has two preset temperatures, one high and one low. Once the water reaches the high temperature (usually between 60 and 65ºC), the element turns off. It turns back on again when it reaches the lower temperature. On average, geysers turn on and off approximately 24 times a day, using an enormous amount of electricity.

A good geyser blanket reduces the rate of cooling of the water inside the geyser considerably, therefore allowing it to switch on and off less often. A geyser blanket is an additional layer of insulation designed to be wrapped around the geyser. Most blankets typically consist of a 50mm layer of fiberglass insulation with a reflective foil cover on one side. Obviously, the thicker the insulation the better (100-150mm is not much more expensive but it is twice or three times as effective).

The good news is that Geyser blankets are very affordable and can be self installed as installation relatively easily.

USEFUL TIP: Some geysers come with a built-in geyser blanket which cannot be seen from the outside of the tank. To see if your geyser is already sufficiently insulated, put your hand against the outside of your geyser to test the temperature. If the geyser is cold when switched on it means that it may already have a blanket installed on the inside. If its hot then it means it is losing heat and you need a blanket.

Invest in a Geyser Timer

A great way to save energy is to keep your geyser switched off most of the time, and to turn it on only an hour or so before bathing. Switch it off again just before turning on the hot tap for the bath (to prevent the geyser filling up with cold water, diluting your hot water supply).

If you want to avoid the hassle and responsibility of switching your geyser on and off manually, a geyser timer is a great investment.

A geyser timer is a device which replaces the conventional thermostat with a digital system which is very easy and convenient to operate. Most timers are remote control operated, and you can easily manage the times at which the geyser is turned on and off.

The timers have a memory timer which can be set to turn your geyser on at certain times of the day. The geyser is turned off for the rest of the time, considerably reducing your electricity costs. Geyser timers are relatively affordable and very efficient, saving you money long-term.

USEFUL TIP: If you are keeping your geyser on 24 hours a day you are wasting money and damaging the environment. If you are a busy or forgetful person, invest in a geyser timer switch rather than turning your geyser on and off manually. This will ensure you don’t forget to turn on the geyser and end up having a cold shower!

Install a Solar Geyser

Solar water heating has been used commercially around the world for more than 50 years. In several countries it is mandatory to have a solar water system in every home! By using a solar water heater your geyser costs can be reduced by at least 80%.

Why you should install a solar geyser:

Cost Saving – from the savings on electricity you will be able to pay for the Solar heating system in a few years. After this your hot water is free!

An Investment – Installing a solar heating system adds to the value of your property and constantly saves you on running costs.

Environmentally Friendly – Solar energy is clean energy – no pollution and no exploitation of limited natural resources. There are reduced levels of pollution due to less coal/paraffin/wood being burned either to heat water directly or to generate electricity. This also helps reduce deforestation due to less firewood being cut for burning.

Consistency of Supply – With a solar water heating system you will have hot water even during blackouts and erratic power supply.

Reduce your demand for electricity – Reducing your demand for electricity by almost half can eliminate expensive upgrade of your supply infrastructure. Less dependence on foreign and possibly hostile sources of energy. Less valuable foreign exchange and hard earned money is spent importing energy.

Free hot water – An average winter’s day in Africa generates sufficient solar energy to provide all your hot water without using electricity.

USEFUL TIP: A solar geyser can add to the value of your property. Get one installed today!